Friday, March 17, 2017

SEO in Costa Rica

If you have a business and website in Costa Rica, SEO (search engine optimization) is the first step in developing your potential client base. You may think that by building a website, you've already done all that's necessary to bring in customers, but nothing could be further from the truth. The best website in the country will do you no good whatsoever… unless your potential customers can find it.
SEO (search engine optimization) isn't rocket science, but neither is it something you learn by hanging around a couple of forums for a year or two. Before you can begin optimizing for search engine rankings, you first have to learn what search engines are looking for and which techniques are effective in getting their attention. That, alone will keep a conscientious SEO busy for a few years, just to grasp the basics.

Add to that the continuous changes in what is acceptable, advisable or effective, and it soon becomes obvious that staying abreast of the most efficient techniques and technologies is a full-time job.
Here at Costa Rica Marketing, we already have many years of experience, beginning long before Google existed, optimizing websites for discovery by search engines and users. We've watched and learned, analyzed and predicted, and then implemented successful SEO campaigns. Using cutting-edge technology, we've drug unknown websites from obscurity into prominence, often into the #1 position in the search results for their relevant keyword.

We didn't learn how to do that by hanging around forums, asking questions. In fact, we moderate on SEO forums, answering questions. We understand how search engines "think" and we have determined what the most effective techniques are by extensive testing and analysis of results. We know exactly what we will accomplish, before we start.

Unfortunately, everyone that advertises their offering of Costa Rica SEO doesn't have our experience. Even more unfortunately, some of them make up for that lack of experience by inventing some imaginary "jealously guarded secret methods" or claiming some obscure credential, like "A+ Certification".

Beware of any self-proclaimed "superheros", "gurus", "experts" or "masters" - they rarely hold up to scrutiny. Check references, see how their own site ranks. If they can't rank their own, how much can you expect from them when it comes to ranking yours?

If you need someone well versed in Costa Rica SEO to rank your website in your niche, contact us for a no-obligation cost proposal. We would love an opportunity to explain what we can do for you.
Fill out the form below, and let us tell you how we can help your company increase its bottom line with effective Costa Rica marketing, aimed specifically at your audience.Contact us today for REAL Costa Rica SEO Results

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